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Purpose of Yoga

Heya, Heyahetu, Hana and Hanopaya have been described as the main subjects of Indian philosophy. Yogdarshan also has the same opinion. Therefore, like other philosophies, the main objective of Yogdarshan is also the removal of sorrow. In the very beginning of his Yogasutra, Patanjali describes the state of perfection of yoga and says- 

 'Tada Drashtuva Swaroope Avasthanam'.

'तदा दृष्टुव स्वरूपे अवस्थानम्'।

That is, when yoga is perfected, the seer (soul) becomes situated in its pure form. This state is attained only after the complete retirement of sorrows. The cause of sorrows is the different attitudes of the chitta, due to which the chitta remains in an unnatural state and is unable to give knowledge of his true nature.

At the root of the chitta's inclinations are present avidya etc. kleshas, as a result of which various tendencies remain in the chitta. Maharishi Patanjali Abhyaas-Vairagya, Ishwar Pranidhan, KriyaYoga and Ashtanga Yoga mainly in the form of measures to prevent them. Describing the result of "KriyaYoga", Maharishi Patanjali says-

'Samadhi Bhavnarth: Kleshatanukaranarthas cha'. (Yogasutra 2 - 2)

'समाधि भावनार्थ: क्लेशानुकरणार्थ च'।

That is, the main purpose of Kriya Yoga is to weaken the afflictions, so that the state of Samadhi can be attained.

"Asamprajat Samadhi" is the highest state of samadhi, which is attained when the chitta is completely freed from klesho(tribulations). Because due to future births, the impressions of previous births, get destroyed by being burnt seeds.The chitta gets absorbed in its root cause nature and the path of Kaivalya is paved for the sadhak. Only then the soul is established in its own form. The same condition is known as Kaivalya. 

In modern times, the purpose of yoga has become to stay healthy, to make others healthy, to earn money etc. but all these are secondary. The main purpose of yoga is the state of samadhi has to be attained. 

One of the main objectives of yoga is health. If we consider the meaning of the word healthy, then healthy is the one who is situated in the self. This is also the belief of Ayurveda Shastra. Where Maharishi Patanjali also talks about Swarupaasthiti, then he also means being situated in the self. In the language of yoga, this is called 'Kaivalya'. If seen from this point of view, then the main objective of yoga is to attain Kaivalya.

In fact, yoga is currently taken in terms of health benefits, but it is not that only a sick person should practice yoga, yoga protects the health of a healthy person and cures the diseases of a sick person. The objectives of yoga can be of the following types.

1. Moral and character development

2. Physical Health Benefits

3. Mental Health Benefits

4. Preservation of Indian culture

5. Social Health Benefits

6. Adopt for self employment

7. Spiritual Health Benefits

8. Protection of health 

9. Attainment of peace

etc. There can be many other objectives of yoga.

Definition of yoga:

Meaning and Definitions of Pranayama |Classification

Shatkarma according to Hathapradipika

Bandhas and Mudras 

