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Classification of Yoga Asanas

 Classification of Yoga Asanas

Asanas can be classified into three groups as follows.

(A) Cultural Asana (B) Relaxation Asanas  (C) Meditation Asanas 

(A) Cultural Asana

I. Standing Asanas

These are the names of some asanas to be done while standing- Natarajasana, Vrikshasana, Tadasana, Parswa Konasana,  Utkatasana, Garudasana, Trikonasana, Pada Uttanasana etc. 

This series of asanas has an effect on the muscles of the back, shoulders and legs. These asanas are especially useful for people who spend a lot of time sitting or who have stiffness or pain in the back. These asanas improve posture, balance and muscular coordination.

2. Forward bending Asanas

Following are some of the forward bending postures-; Paschimottamasana, Janu Shirshasan. Pada Hastasana, Utthitha Janu Shirshasana, Pada Angusthasana, Vajra Mudrasana, Upavishta Konasana, Kurmasana, etc.

Forward bending postures keep the back flexible, good health and fitness, and vitality increases. Each vertebra is separated during the forward bending posture, stimulating the nerves, improving circulation around the spine and nourishing the spine. It has a positive effect on the organs of the body in general and the brain in particular. This group of asanas is also very important for making the back muscles soft and strong. Compressing and massaging the abdominal organs, including the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and intestine, and stretching the leg muscles.

3. Back Bending Asanas

The following are some backward bending Asanas – Bhujangasana, Laghu Vajrasana, Salbhasana, Dhanurasana, Setu Bandhasana, Chakrasana, Ustrasana, etc.

Back bending Asanas are those postures that turn the body out to face the world. They are provocative and extro verting. Because they expand the chest and encourage inhalation, they are associated with a shamanic approach to life. Practicing backward bending Asanas can correct postural defects and neuro-muscular imbalances of the vertebral column. These asanas help in stimulating and enriching the blood in the back area. This series of Asanas creates negative pressure in the abdomen and pelvis, which helps in neuro-circulatory toning of all concerned organs and massages the abdominal and pelvic organs.

4. Spinal Twisting Asana

The names of some spinal twisting postures are as follows– Meru Vakrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Parivrtti Janu sirshasana, Pashasana, Privritta Trikonasana, Privritta Parshva Konasana, etc. 

Spinal twisting Asana are important for spinal health. Twists placed on the spine and exercise the entire trunk muscles, make the spine more flexible and stimulate the spine. It also has a strong effect on the abdominal muscles, alternately stretching and compressing them, turning the body from one direction to another.

5. Inverted posture

The names of some inverted asanas are as follows- Bhami Pada Uttasana, Viparita Karani Asana, Sarvangasana, Padma Sarvangasana, Halasana, Shershasan, Shersha Padmasan etc.

Inverted postures reverse the action of gravity on the body; Instead of everything towards the feet, spontaneously turns towards the head. Thus everything psychological and emotional is turned upside down, throwing a new light on old patterns of behaviour. Generally these practices improve health, reduce worries and stress, and increase self-confidence. These asanas encourage a rich supply of blood flow to the brain and nourish the neurons and flush out toxins. Blood stored in the lower limbs and abdomen is returned to the heart, then purified by the lungs and re-circulated to all parts of the body. This process nourishes the cells of the entire human organism. These asanas enrich the blood flow and also allow the pituitary gland to operate more efficiently.

6. Balancing Asanas 

The following are some of the balancing Asanas: Garudasana, Natarajasana, Vatayanasana, Bakasana, Kukkutasana, Hansasana, Mayurasana, etc. 

Balancing Asanas develops the cerebellum, the brain centre that controls how the body works in motion. These Asanas tnduce physical balance and stilling unconscious movements. The group of practice develops a balanced mind and a more matured outlook on life. It also balances the nervous system and removing stress and anxiety. At the beginning these Asanas may be difficult to perform however the body is very adoptable and progress will quickly be made with few weeks of regular practice.

 (B) Relaxation Asanas 

The names of some important Relaxation Asanas  are as follows- Shavasana (corpse pose), Advasana (reversed corpse pose), Makarasana (crocodile pose), Jyestikasana (superior pose) and, Matsya Kridasana (flapping fish pose). 

The relaxation Asanas should be performed before and after the asana session and at any time when the body become tired.

(C) Meditation Asanas

The names of some important Meditation Asanas  are as follows-  Padmasana, Bhadrasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana, etc. 

The meditative Asanas needs to hold the body in a steady position without conscious effort. It is essential to remain awake and alert while going to various stages which lead to successful meditation. Initially most people will find it difficult to sit in one asana for a long time. However, through regular practice of the meditation posture, the legs and hips will become flexible enough comfortably maintain a steady posture. The followings are some of the Asanas prescribed for meditation.

